Ever wondered why some authors give away their books for free? It might seem counterintuitive, but making your first book permanently free (some call it “permafree” ) can be one of the smartest moves you’ll make as an author. Let me tell you why.
Why Would Anyone Give Away Their Book?
Think about the last time you discovered a new favorite author. Chances are, someone recommended them, or you took a chance on a good deal. That’s exactly what permafree is about – it’s like offering samples at a grocery store. Readers get to try your writing without any risk, and if they love it, they’ll happily pay for more.
This strategy works especially well if you’ve written a series. You make the first book free, and once readers are hooked on your characters and story, they’re excited to buy the rest of the series. It’s not just about immediate sales either – you’re building a loyal readership who’ll anticipate your future books.
Making It Work For You
Let’s talk about how actually to do this. First, you’ll need to pick the right book. If you’re writing a series, this is pretty straightforward – use your first book. Just make sure it’s your absolute best work. Remember, this is many readers’ first impression of your writing, so it needs to be polished, professionally edited, and have a cover that looks fantastic.
Now, here’s where it gets a bit tricky. Amazon doesn’t actually let you set your price to zero (wouldn’t that be nice?), but there’s a workaround. You’ll need to make your book free on other platforms first – places like Apple Books, Kobo, or Google Play. Then Amazon will usually price-match it. You can use services like Draft2Digital or Smashwords to help distribute your book to multiple platforms at once.
Making The Most of Your Free Book
Your free book needs to work hard for you. At the end, you want readers thinking, “Wow, I need more!” Here’s how to make that happen:
First, make sure your book ends in a way that naturally leads readers to want the next one. Include a preview of your next book – just enough to leave them eager for more. Add links to where they can buy the next book, and consider offering a free bonus story if they join your email list.
You’ll also want to spread the word about your free book. There are websites dedicated to promoting free books, like Freebooksy and BookBub. Social media can be powerful too – people love sharing good deals with their friends. If you’ve got an email list already, definitely let them know about your free book.
Learning From Success Stories
Look at authors like Hugh Howey, who used this strategy with his Wool series. He made the first part free, and readers were so hooked they couldn’t wait to buy the rest. Or take Bella Andre – she’s used free books to build a massive readership in romance fiction, leading to millions of downloads and a very successful career.
Watch Out For These Pitfalls
There are a few things that can trip you up with this strategy. The biggest one? Making sure all your books maintain the same quality. If your free book is amazing but the paid ones disappoint, readers won’t stick around. Also, don’t just make your book free and hope for the best – you need to actively promote it.
Is This Right For You?
Permafree isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme. It’s a long-term strategy that works by building trust with readers. Think of it as an investment in your future readership. You’re trading short-term profits for long-term gains.
The key is patience and consistency. Keep monitoring how many people download your free book and how many go on to buy the next one. Try different approaches to promoting it, and pay attention to what works best for your specific genre and audience.
Remember, the goal isn’t just to give away a free book – it’s to find devoted readers who’ll stick with you throughout your writing career. When done right, a permafree strategy can help you build exactly that kind of loyal, enthusiastic readership.